Bootstrapping the MVC Framework

Using Bootstrap and the MVC Framework to Build Web Applications

Bootstrapping MVC is a dive into both Bootstrap version 3.x and the Asp.Net MVC 5. There is a month’s worth of daily lessons in this book based on the blog series, with a deeper dive and more thorough explanations in each chapter.

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It’s Available in Several Formats

The digital version is great and comes in PDF, ePub or Mobi. Use the link above for a great price for a short time.

If you would prefer to get your hands on a physical copy, you can do so through the great folks at Lulu Publishing.

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Why Pay When it’s On the Blog for Free?

Well, to start:

  • It’s a good read with great tips
  • The book goes into greater detail in every chapter than the original posts
  • There are three overhauls and one entirely new chapter
  • You get access to the full source code repository with a branch for every completed chapter
  • You will feel good about supporting an author who otherwise does this for free! A fish’s gotta swim, a bird’s gotta eat, and there are costs to running a blog (and a family!)

And, hey, it’s a good body of work! Some of these pages contain code that could save you hours, and experience and anecdotes that can save you days. Here’s just a few things folks are saying about the content in this book:

Thanks for doing this series James. I can’t tell you how much I’ve been enjoying sitting down in the evening and working through the days article. I’ve been working with MVC with bootstrap for the past year and a half and have still managed to have a ‘ah ha’ moment with nearly every article. – Robert

I’ve learnt so much! Many thanks for the obvious effort you have put into this, be assured its much appreciated. -Karen

Thanks for the series, it was (and still is!) a great read, a learned tons, will be using and abusing many of your tips and tricks. – Jesus

Hi James, thanks for your goodwill in write [sic] this outstanding tutorial.
It was a great inspiration for me! I hope you keep sharing with us your vision for this magnificent framework! Through this work I became a great fan of you! – Wagner

Thanks for your support, and happy coding!