Chez Angela: Building a Cloud-Based Bakery

My wife and I are undertaking an enormous shift in our lives and entering the food service industry. My day job will continue to be consulting in the Azure, Cognitive Services and ASP.NET Core space, but I am also privileged to work side-by-side with my incredible wife as we build a bakery together.

Chez Angela - Building a Cloud-Based Bakery

My role in the bakery is largely on the technology side, and I’m building everything to do with our “bakery platform” on Azure and related technologies. My wife, of course, is the digital to analog converter. :)

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ASP.NET Core Training in Calgary, Alberta

For some folks, working independently and plowing through a book chapter-by-chapter is the best way for them to learn. If you’re in that camp, I’ve got just the book for you.

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Want to get Hands-On?

For others, in-person training is the most effective way to dive into new content. Having someone in the same room who knows how to navigate a new release of software, framework and tooling and all the related changes is a powerful asset while you learn.

That said, we are pleased to announce our first Monsters workshop in Calgary, Alberta. Please join us in Calgary as we mash on changes, approaches, caveats and wins for all things in ASP.NET Core.

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